
Can You Make Money With Ebook Manuals

Afterward some Amazon and library searches, they came up empty-handed.  There was nothing out in that location.

There are 549 books on Amazon dealing with maple syrup, simply nix virtually immigrating to Canada.

Their next option was to search the cyberspace.

They found what they were looking for, but it was scattered all over the place.  Plus, it needed translation.

Non from Canadian to English (joke) but from legalese to English.  It was a bunch of formal jargon which is tough for the average person to understand.

Subsequently hours and hours of enquiry, they were finally able to complete the clearing process and set up their new home in Canada.

Merely they couldn't be the simply ones with this problem, they thought.  Other people are immigrating from the United States to Canada likewise, right?

They had hours and hours of all this hard work in the course of inquiry sitting in that location.  None of it is useful to anyone.

They decided to turn it into an ebook.

Fast forward a few months and they're making $500 per calendar month from this one ebook about immigrating to Canada.  Amazing!

All they needed was the desire to turn their research into an ebook.  The possibility of extra money didn't hurt either.

It turns out you can make coin writing ebooks pretty easily.

Tabular array of Contents:

  • How Much Can You Really Brand?
  • Where to Sell Your eBook
  • Step 1: Finding Content
  • Step 2: Creating a Catchy Title
  • Step 3: Create Your eBook Outline
  • Step 4: Create a Writing Schedule
  • Footstep five: Editing Your eBook Like a Pro
  • Pace 6: Designing the Cover
  • Footstep seven: Formatting, Pricing, and an Enticing Clarification
  • Step viii: Become Reviews and Go a Bestseller
  • Pace ix: Marketing and Promoting Your eBook
  • More Marketing or More than eBooks?
  • Resources

How Much Money Tin can Y'all Really Make Writing eBooks?

The most popular marketplace for selling your ebook is Amazon.

Amazon currently has over 300 million people using their site.  That'southward a MASSIVE marketplace to sell to.

Sorry though, not every one of those is going to buy your ebook.

But even if you only get a tiny tiny tiny fraction who purchase your book on a monthly footing, that's a lot of residuum income.

With Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) yous earn a royalty of 70% for every book you sell.

If yous toll your book at $i, you lot'd become $0.70 for every auction.

We'll talk about pricing later, but the best cost point for a small ebook is right at $2.99.

Using a auction price of $2.99 means a royalty of $ii.09.

Each person who downloads your masterpiece puts simply over $2 in your pocket.

Sell 100 ebooks, earn $209.  Sell one thousand ebooks, earn $2,090.

Now allow's say you were able to sell 240 ebooks every calendar month similar our "Canadians" from before.

You'd exist taking home almost $500 every month.  Over $6,000 per year.

Neat for something you peradventure wrote in a few weeks.

Because the goal is to beginning an income snowball, yous invest the $500 per month.

In 10 years you'll have earned over $lxxx,000 from ane ebook!

Where to Sell Your eBook

Best place to sell your ebook is on Amazon

Amazon is the whale.  If y'all're looking to get the most eyeballs and the well-nigh sales, selling on Amazon is the fashion to go.

Some other option is selling the ebook on your own website.  This means you continue all the sale price, not simply seventy%.

Weebly offers a quick and simple way to set upward a website and offset selling digital products straight from your site.

This road means you accept to do a bit more than work alluring people to your website.

A third option is Nook Press.  This is the Barnes & Noble equal of Amazon Kindle Directly Publishing.

While Barnes & Noble doesn't accept the book of shoppers as Amazon does, it yet has customers looking to buy ebooks.

For a auction toll of $ii.99, Nook Press is slightly lower than Amazon with a 65% royalty per sale.

Smashwords is a lesser known entity but withal worth publishing on.  Smashmouth calls itself the globe'southward largest seller of indie ebooks.

By publishing on Smashwords, you're actually distributing your ebook to some of the world'southward largest ebook retailers.

Those are the four primary platforms to sell your ebook on and Smashwords will actually make certain y'all're on all the smaller, lesser known marketplaces.

At present you know where to sell and how much you can earn, let's talk about actually writing an ebook.

Pace 1: Finding Content

And then you lot're amped.  Ready to sit down and starting time pounding out an ebook.  The merely problem is, you don't know what to write most.

That's the beauty of an ebook.  You lot can write almost anything.

In that location are no publishers or editors determining what you tin and can't publish.

Any you know is your content.

If y'all've got experience and knowledge immigrating to the United States, write almost it.

If you've got a hugger-mugger method to acquire Spanish, write about it.

Yous could fifty-fifty write about healthy, organic dog recipes.

Any knowledge you've got floating around in that brain of yours can turn into an ebook.

Even stuff you don't know only have a swell interest learning could be an ebook.

Read a dozen books on a topic you're interested in.  Take all the of import or recurring themes from every volume and package it into an ebook.

Hacking Your Content Strategy

One simple way to hack your content strategy is past reading reviews of contest:

Head over to Amazon:

  • Search for ebooks covering a like topic to what you desire to write about.
  • Target the titles with an average review of four stars or higher.
  • Read the "about helpful" critical reviews from those titles.
  • Notice the things "missing" from the best books.  People may enjoy a book but wish in that location was nevertheless more to information technology.  If one of the top Sushi Cookbooks doesn't teach you how to make a California Roll, make sure to include it in your sushi cookbook.

Hack your ebook content strategy by reading 4-star reviews and finding out what's missing in the ebook

If you want to spend a fiddling money, another hack is to download upwardly to 20 of the superlative ebooks in your space.

Then read through the "Pop Highlights" in each and sort them past "most popular."  This allows yous to read each of the books in a quarter of the time.

You'll as well know what topics are a must to include in your ain ebook.  The more highlights, the more important it is to include.

Step two: Creating a Catchy Championship for Your eBook

Titles are a tough 1.

Besides the embrace, a title is the well-nigh visible matter about your ebook.

The combination of a slap-up title and well-designed cover are going to describe possible buyers in more than than anything else.

In that location are a couple different strategies you tin can follow when coming up with a championship.

Beginning, you can look to bloggers.

Bloggers have been perfecting the fine art of titles for a long time.  Like with ebooks, your blog postal service has to have a catchy title to attract readers.

I method bloggers use to create catchy titles is a formula in four parts:

Part ane: The Format

What type of ebook is this going to exist?  Is it going to be a listing?  A series of facts?  Strategies?

How many items in the list will there exist?  How many facts or strategies?

Having a number in the championship juices its catchiness.

This actually only works if yous're going to write a not-fiction book transferring knowledge or helping someone accomplish a chore.

Part 2: Emotional Claw

Use a power word like "Amazing" or "Powerful."  Something to draw the casual browsers attention.

Our brains are drawn to these types of words.

When yous read them, your brain tin can't help but be triggered.  It's an automatic response found in the amygdala which handles emotions, survival, and memory.

Function iii: Content Type

Here you state whether the ebook is a series of facts, strategies, myths, etc…

This is the meat of the ebook.  The details of how you're going to help the reader reach or understand the subject field.

Function 4: Your Subject

Is the book about losing weight?  Saving money?  Investing?  Eating good for you?

Here you land the topic.  What the whole ebook is nearly.

Putting these four parts together would become you titles like:

10 Insane Facts to Assist You Lose Weight

eight Crazy In-Depth Profiles of Dividend Aristocrats

thirteen Powerful Strategies to Increment Your Willpower

How to create a catchy title for your ebook

Poll The Audience

If you'd prefer not to re-create web log titles, you can analyze the titles of all-time sellers in your niche.

Create two lists:

  • Every title of the best sellers in your niche
  • Word association.  Write down every word or random thought that might have something to practise with your topic.

Endeavour to combine these two lists into a serial of title options.

After you've got a handful of titles, ask your friends and family to await over the list and pick out their ii favorites.

Based on their feedback, test the final 2 with a cheap Google AdWords campaign.  This is what Tim Ferriss did to come with the title of his acknowledged book "The 4 60 minutes Workweek."

Once you've picked your ebook topic and come up with a working title, it's time to start writing.

Step 3: Create Your Outline

You want to map everything out.

Every talking point, of import fact, introduction, conclusion…all of it.

Wait at the table of contents of bestselling ebooks in your niche for inspiration.

The more than thorough your outline is, the easier information technology will be to write the ebook.

A simple fashion to create a thorough outline is to take all the highlights from your content research and put them on private notecards.

Also, take all the missing bits you collected from reviews and add those to notecards.

Scrivener is a groovy writing tool for this kind of work.  You can create digital notecards of all this stuff.

Using a tool like Scrivener makes outlining your ebook simple

Once you've got every highlight on a notecard, starting time arranging them in the gild you want.

Try to combine highlights into larger groups.  Cull three-v sections.

If the ebook is going to have more of a list feel, choose 10-15 sections.

Now each highlight is an area to expand on during your writing sessions.

Step 4: Create a Writing Schedule

You've got to develop a writing schedule and stick to it.

If you're worried about getting burnt out, have an hr each day and expand on one highlight.

Or, set a date you want the book finished by.  Dissever the number of highlights in your book by the number of days until your target date.  100 highlights / 50 days = two highlights per day.

Put bated time each day to write almost two highlights.

Use the Jerry Seinfeld method to track your productivity.

Using the Jerry Seinfeld method to track your ebook writing progress

The easiest time to write is between ten pm and 8 am.

Virtually everyone else is comatose and you've got no distractions.  There is no one to carp you.

Start going to bed late or waking up early to practise your writing.

Stride 5: Editing Your eBook Like a Pro

The easiest and cheapest option is to edit the book yourself.

While Scrivener, Google Docs, and Give-and-take all take decent spell checkers, you're going to desire to run it through something more robust.

Use a tool like Grammarly.  It's a free plan that not but checks spelling, information technology makes sure the discussion choice is correct based on context.

"Their" won't testify up as a misspelled word in Google Docs, just Grammarly will say it's wrong if your sentence is "the volume is over their."

Other features in the free version include grammar checking and vocabulary enhancement.

The premium version too checks punctuation, sentence structure, and even style.

You tin also give a re-create of your ebook to friends and family for suggestions.  Have them point out any glaring mistakes they take hold of.

The terminal, more expensive option, is to hire an editor from Freelancer.  It'll cost you some money but it'll also guarantee a professional will be making sure everything looks good.

Stride 6: Designing the Comprehend

Unless you're a VERY creative person, I'd look to outsource this role.

Y'all know the old adage, "never estimate a volume by its comprehend."  Well, that'southward non the case on Amazon.

EVERY book is judged by its cover.

You want to make sure yours looks professional and stands out from the crowd.

A quality embrace makes your ebook look professional.  It shows you mean business organisation and the content inside is of a high quality.

For peachy design covers, at that place are a few places you can look to:

99designs:  This is the high priced selection.  A book encompass volition typically run you betwixt $l and $500.  I know, it's a big spread.

With 99designs you'll run a competition.  Yous'll write up a clarification of what you're looking for and so people will submit their designs.

You put a toll upward front on how much you're willing to pay for the blueprint.  The college the price, the more design submissions you're going to get.

Run a contest on 99designs to get an ebook cover

Freelancer: A book comprehend here will probably exist less than $50.  With Freelancer, y'all rent a freelancer to do the design work.

Unlike 99designs, you pick one designer and pay them to practise the work.  And then earlier y'all selection one, make certain to expect at some of their samples to brand sure information technology'southward on par with what you're looking for.

Usually, y'all contract someone out at an hourly rate, but you can also ready a price for the full project.

Hire someone on Freelancer to design your ebook cover

Fiverr: The cheapest option.  Get an ebook cover designed for $5.  Everything on Fiverr is merely $5.  While you may be thinking information technology'south impossible to get a adept design for that much, but you'd be incorrect.

Some of the people on Fiverr are trained individuals getting started.  They're making very little money to build a portfolio and become their name out at that place.

Step vii: Formatting, Pricing, and an Enticing Clarification


Once the ebook is written, yous're going to need to convert information technology to the Kindle format earlier publishing.

If the ebook was written in Discussion, y'all can utilise Amazon's Kindle Create.

It'll assist y'all:

  • Preview and edit the ebooks as information technology will appear in Kindle format.
  • Create and edit your tabular array of contents while styling your ebook
  • Add professionally-designed themes to make your ebook meliorate-looking and easier to read.

If you don't desire to take the conversion process on yourself, there are plenty of professional services out at that place willing to handle it for you.

Amazon even has a list of companies specializing in ebook conversion.


Virtually people read ebooks over physical books because of the price.  This is where ebooks have a distinct advantage.

Considering there aren't any physical materials to buy, the cost of those materials doesn't accept to be taken into consideration.

The price can be whatsoever you desire it to be.

On Amazon, the sweetness spot is between $0.99 and $2.99.  Everyone used to price their eBook at $0.99 only it'southward going away.

People give higher value to higher-priced items.  When all other things appear equal, we automatically assign a higher quality to premium priced items.

$2.99 gives the appearance of higher quality compared to  $0.99.  But $ii.99 is nevertheless at a price people are willing to spend without thinking likewise much almost it.  That's our sweet spot.

Price your ebook at $2.99


Afterwards the embrace and title, the ebook clarification is the next affair your potential buyer is going to run across/read.

You need a expert description to entice them to buy the ebook.

Take your time!  This is an of import ane to go right.

Use books in the Amazon Top 100 for inspiration.  Figure out how they grab someone's attention and try to mimic information technology.

A practiced description will become a long means.

Step viii: Getting Reviews

Anyone who has shopped on Amazon knows the importance of having a few reviews.

Preferably skillful reviews.

When someone compares 2 items, 1 with 30 four star reviews and ane with 3 four star reviews, guess which one they're ownership?

Good reviews mean other people accept bought your ebook and found it useful.  That tells the potential buyer they should too.

Information technology's social proof your book is good!

Apply social media, friends, and family unit to get some positive reviews.  Have them go to Amazon, buy the book, and get out a review.  If they mutter near the $ii.99, pay them back.

It'll be worth it in the long run.

A give-and-take of alarm.  There are services out there where you can pay for reviews.  DON'T Practice THIS.

Amazon is getting better and better at determining which are paid reviews and which aren't.  I can see a day where you'll get penalized for having these fake reviews on your product.

Building a Review Banking company

In one case you've got a list of people willing to write a review, give them a PDF copy of your ebook.

Take them write a review and tell them to hold onto it.

Y'all want a big launch event with purchases and reviews coming into Amazon right when the book is published.

This is how yous become on the Amazon bestseller listing.

When the book does finally get posted on Amazon, take everyone get and buy information technology.

You may be thinking "Why would you take them purchase information technology afterward you've already given them a re-create?"

Amazon needs to know the people writing reviews are certified buyers.  It makes the reviews more powerful in the eyes of Amazon and the potential buyer.

Verified purchase reviews are more powerful than non-verified

Afterwards purchasing, tell them to become alee and post their review.

Stride 9: Marketing and Promotion

You've put in the hours writing.

Emails have gone back and forth with your designer getting the perfect book cover.

Every person you lot know is set to write a review on Amazon.

At present it's time to really dig in and start marketing.

Marketing and promotion are what separates an ebook that makes money and one that doesn't.

Where a publisher would handle this office with a regular volume, this is something you lot've got to take care of.

You demand to become the give-and-take out BEFORE the book is actually published on Amazon.

Why before publishing?

Considering y'all want your volume to hit the best-seller charts right when information technology's published on Amazon.

To do information technology, y'all need to have people interested and ready to buy the moment the book is bachelor.

You lot've got to build relationships.

Create an Writer Profile

It'south a common theme.  Famous authors effort to write books nether different names and neglect.

Stephen King did it with his alter ego, Richard Bachman.  In the mid-80s he tried writing a few books under the pseudonym and they flopped.

One book, Thinner, only sold 28,000 copies of the initial run.  After discussion got out Richard Bachman was, in fact, Stephen King, the book sold 10 times that.

J.K Rowling did the same affair.  She wrote The Cuckoo'due south Calling nether the name Robert Galbraith.

The hardback version sold one,500 copies.  Word got out Galbraith was Rowling and sales rose 4,000%.

People buy books from authors they know and recognize.

Let people become to know yous.

Detect a good picture and use it on all your author related websites.

Create a blog, social media accounts, and a profile on Amazon Author Central all using the aforementioned picture.

Consistency is comforting.

Starting time a Weblog

In this day and historic period, you've got to have a blog.

If you lot do any sort of work you desire to be recognized for by anyone outside your friends and colleagues, you lot have to accept a website.

The easiest fashion to go is to kickoff a site.  It'south gratis and elementary to gear up.

If you can, I'd recommend spending $2.99 a calendar month to get a custom domain.

This mode you can have the site instead of

It looks more professional the first style don't you lot think?

Start sharing communication and tips related to your niche.

Steve Scott's website to promote his books
Steve Scott'due south weblog to promote his ebooks

If your niche is healthy, organic dog recipes, start sharing a few recipes that aren't in your ebook.

Prove pictures of cute dogs.

Talk about what foods are salubrious for dogs and what foods aren't.

The Power of Social Media

In that location are so many avenues to travel down when it comes to social media.

The ii giants in the room are Facebook and Twitter.

  • Create a Facebook page.
  • Outset a Twitter account.

Annihilation getting posted on your blog should also go posted on Facebook and Twitter.

From there, you tin can practice a few things.

  • Get involved on Reddit
  • Respond questions on Quora
  • Do guest posts on other niche blogs or on sites like Huffington Post and Inc
  • Create an Writer Profile on GoodReads and Amazon Writer Central.

The more places you lot can get your proper noun out there, the amend shot you accept of becoming a success.

More Marketing or More than eBooks?

Does this whole marketing thing seem a bit daunting?

Information technology can be a bit overwhelming.

There are so many things to do it can seem like at that place is no indicate starting…and that might be the right way to get.

Making money writing ebooks is a numbers game.

Y'all tin write one ebook in a calendar week, spend months or years marketing the hell out of it, and try to make $10,000 per month.

Or, you tin do what Steve Scott does, and write 20 ebooks each making $500 per month.

He'southward however got his weblog, Facebook page, and Twitter profile, only, beyond that, there isn't much marketing.

Write and edit the volume.  Design a cover.  Become your friends, family unit, and whatsoever followers you have to write a review and then publish.

Launder, rinse, echo!

One time you have your name out at that place for i expert book, information technology becomes easier to sell another.  And another.  And some other.



  • On Writing Well by William Zinsser
  • Bird past Bird past Anne Lamott
  • How to Write a Not-Fiction Book in 21 Days – That Readers Will Honey by Steve Scott

Web log Posts:

  • Step-by-Pace Guide For Selling Your Book Through Amazon
  • How to Increase Your Amazon Kindle Book Sales by 600% in a Week
  • The Snowflake Method for Designing A Novel
  • How to Get an eBook to #1 on Amazon
  • 21 Dumb Mistakes to Avoid When Writing Your First eBook


  • WordPress
  • Grammarly
  • Scrivner
  • Hemingway Editor
  • 99Designs
  • Freelancer
  • Fiverr


Writing an ebook seems daunting, but all the barriers are gone.

No one is telling you lot how long it needs to be, what yous need to write nearly, or even what the title should be.

All you need is the want and subject field to do information technology.

Our American expats took the research they already did and turned it into a overnice niggling monthly passive income.

There is something you lot take knowledge on which tin plow into a few grand words that someone is willing to pay for.

Happy writing!

Take you made money writing ebooks?  Any tips or recommendations?


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